Se le pareti dei macelli fossero di vetro, tutti sarebbero vegetariani...

venerdì 3 maggio 2013

UNA GALLINA PER AMICA: Coco the beautiful pet chicken, anche le star hanno una gallina per amica! L'attrice TORI SPELLING e la sua amica piumata COCO THE CHICKEN! Celebrities with House Chickens (and Ducks!)

SOGNANDO UN GIORNO IN CUI TUTTI GLI ANIMALI SARANNO CONSIDERATI NOSTRI AMICI E NON CIBO!!! Per la locandinaqui  Un altro articolo che parla dell'argomento: qui

A chicken is like a baby!

Tori Spelling Puts a Dress on Her Pet Chicken qui

ECCO COCO THE CHICKEN the glamour pet chicken. ...Tori Spelling L'ATTRICE DI BEVERLY HILLS and Coco the chicken: ANCHE LEI HA UNA GALLINA PER AMICA!  qui


Sweet Serama Love

Picture via Creative Commons from shekay

A House Chicken

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A Girl and Her Chicken- True Love

Tratto qui: Chickens make really great pets (What other animal makes you breakfast in the morning? lol) and are enjoying a huge surge in popularity as more and more people are getting tired of buying lackluster tasting eggs from chickens in factory farms. Due to their sudden popularity it seems inevitable that people would start realizing that chickens aren't as stupid as they're portrayed and that they actually have their own individual personalities. This has led to something that many people consider crazy, chickens as house pets.

It may start with a sick chicken that needs to be separated from the flock for special care, or raising chicks inside and then being reluctant to lose closeness with them by moving them outside, or even just an opinionated hen that tries to come inside whenever she can, but the move to having a house chicken starts slowly. After having a chicken or two inside the house for whatever reason, the little cluckers seem to start fitting in, and it seems odd to keep them penned up the whole time, so they may get let out of their cage for just a little while. This leads to sitting on the couch with a chicken in your lap watching TV. Sounds silly, right? It always sounds silly until it happens to you.